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Smartcare’s HIMSS Presentation Details Gamification Tools to Solve Home Care Staffing Crisis

Published on August 10, 2021 by Sharon Morrisette

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Smartcare’s Caregiver Rewards toolset applies psychology and gamification principles to help home care providers retain employees.

Eau Claire, WI, August 10, 2021 – Smartcare Software, Inc., provider of an award-winning home care EMR, today announced that its CEO, Scott Zielski, is presenting Smartcare’s gamification solution to the home care staffing crisis at the annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference.

HIMSS is an American not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving health care in quality, safety, cost-effectiveness, and access through the best use of information technology and management systems. Its annual conference brings together healthcare professionals to connect for education, innovation, and collaboration.

Smartcare will present its approach to gamifying caregiver engagement at the HIMSS Innovation Live Theater.

HIMSS21 - Global Health Conference & Exhibition

“The long-term care continuum is facing unprecedented challenges as home care providers cope with the pressures of an aging population and an acute caregiver staffing crisis,” says Zielski. “In the United States, caregiver turnover rates range from 65% to over 80% annually. A well-designed rewards program uses gamification’s mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics to drive behaviors and desired outcomes like staff retention. Our user’s results show that gamification can create engagement, change behavior and, ultimately, retain caregivers by making each caregiver a hero and showing thanks every day.”

The human psyche’s strongest drivers are scarcity and a sense of accomplishment. Gamification uses points, levels, and rewards to simulate these drivers to motivate performance and encourage desired behaviors. Providers create wish lists and award points for activities and caregiver achievements or leveling up. Success in-game challenges earn awards, which each provider customizes to their team. The rewards provide instant recognition that changes behavior to improve outcomes.

“Today’s caregivers may be best motivated by accomplishing goals within a game-like context,” says Zielski. “Home care providers are achieving better outcomes by engaging a new generation of workers who are accustomed to tackling challenges with a gamer’s mentality.”

The addition of gamification to Smartcare’s retention-leading home care platform provides Smartcare customers with a comprehensive solution to the industry’s caregiver crisis. Using Smartcare’s multi-faceted approach to staff hiring and retention, Smartcare customers see some of the highest caregiver retention rates in-home care, which leads to improved outcomes, strong connections to the agency, and improved bottom lines. Smartcare users see up to three times greater caregiver retention rates over the industry average.

For more information about Smartcare Software visit: aaniie.com

About Smartcare Software, Inc.

Headquartered in Eau Claire, WI, Smartcare Software is a complete SaaS Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and point-of-care platform developing transformative technologies to support the future of home care in the post-acute and long-term care markets. Smartcare’s sophisticated connected technologies and advanced proactive analytics produce better patient outcomes, simplify back-office functions, and ultimately drive higher profitability for providers.

By leveraging the latest research in machine learning (ML), gamification, and advanced automation, Smartcare is solving home care’s staffing and retention crisis while providing a superior user and client experience. Smartcare solutions drive the best practices in care while increasing the engagement of caregivers, patients, and patient family members, leading to improved outcomes and increased satisfaction.


The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a global advisor, thought leader, and member association committed to transforming the health ecosystem. As a mission-driven non-profit, HIMSS offers a unique depth and breadth of expertise in health innovation, public policy, workforce development, research, and analytics to advise leaders, stakeholders, and influencers from across the ecosystem on best practices.

With a community-centric approach, their innovation engine delivers key insights, education, and engaging events to healthcare providers, payers, governments, startups, life sciences, and other health services organizations, ensuring they have the right information at the point of decision.